Women 20 years and older should perform self-breast exams monthly, one week after your period​
Know what is normal for your breasts
If you find any of the following, notify your healthcare provider:
- Nipple discharge that starts spontaneously.
- Any change in the nipple or nipple retraction.
- Abnormal changes in size, shape, or color.
- Puckering or dimpling of the skin.
- Itchy, scaly rash of the nipple.
- Redness or warmth of the breast
- Pain that does not go away
- Lump or knot in the breast or under the arm that does not go away

Breast Examination
The best pattern for the self breast exam is the one you feel the most comfortable with and will use periodically to check all of your breast tissue. Ask your healthcare practitioner for advice if feeling uncertain about your technique.
Women 20 years and older should perform self breast exams monthly. Should be performed one week after your period.
Women aged 40 and older should have a yearly mammogram. If you have a mother or sister with breast cancer you may need a mammogram earlier than 40. Ask your healthcare professional.
Women 20-39 years old should have a clinical breast exam at least every 2-3 years. If there is a significant family history , a breast exam should be performed yearly. Women aged 40 and above should have a clinical breast exam yearly.
- Perform breast self-exam using the technique listed above.
- If you have implants, while performing the exam, displace or move the implant and feel above, below, behind and side to side of the implant.
How To Self-Examine Your Breasts