A Know what is normal for your breasts
Understanding Your Pathology Report
“The pathology report is a collection of information that describes a patient’s breast cancer.”
The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM system
“The pathology report is a collection of information that describes a patient’s breast cancer.”
- How aggressive is the breast cancer?
- Have any cancer cells left the original tumor and traveled elsewhere, such as the underarm lymph nodes? Are they likely to travel?
- What determines if my cancer will respond to treatment?

Breast cancer stages are determined by:
- Tumor size
- Lymph node status
- Presence of absence of metastases
A Stage is not always listed in pathology reports because it is derived from the results of the biopsy of the tumor tissue, any biopsies of the lymph nodes and other tests. These biopsies and some pathology tests may not be done at the same time. Thus, you may have more than one report that gives information on staging. Your medical team combines all the pathology information with any scans (to check for spread to other parts of the body) and determines the breast cancer stage.
A complete pathology report will not be ready until you have the definitive surgery to take out all the breast cancer and one or more of the underarm lymph nodes to check for possible signs of cancer there. Over several days to a couple of weeks, this tissue is tested to create that final report. You may even receive a few reports as various tests are done.
Histolopathologic Grade
This measure is often reported using some version of the Bloom-Richardson or the Scarff-Bloom-Richardson scale. It is based on a combined score for nuclear grade, mitotic rate, and histologic grade or architectural differentiation. Each characteristic is given a score of 1 to 3, resulting in a total score ranging from 3 to 9.
Nuclear Grade
Nuclear grade is assessed on a scale of 1-3. A grade 1 (low) indicates small nuclei with little variation in size and shape. A grade 3 (high) indicates larger nuclei with marked variation in size and shape. Grade 2 (intermediate) nuclei show features between 1 and 3. The higher the grade is, the more aggressive the tumor is.
Mitotic Rate
This rate indicates the number of malignant cells that are actively dividing. The mitotic rate is reported with numbers from 1 to 3. The higher the score, the more aggressive the tumor cells are.
Cellular Differentiation
This measure is based on how close the specimen resembles normal breast tissue. This measure refers to tubular formation of the cells. A grade of 1 indicates a well-differentiated tissue with many tubules, grade 2 moderately differentiated, and grade 3 poorly differentiated tissue with few or no tubules.
Hormone Receptor Status
If your cancer cells have a high proportion of estrogen (ER) or progesterone (PR) receptors, the report will say you are ER positive or PR positive. If your cells have a lower number of receptors, your report will say you are ER or PR negative. Another way to think of this is a car (tumor) and driver (hormones) example. The hormone “buckles” itself into the car seat (receptor) to drive the tumor to make it grow. This is one of the most important pieces of information on the pathology report. Being ER/PR positive means you might benefit from hormonal therapy. Hormone therapy is actually therapy with an oral drug, usually Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibiters, which blocks hormone receptors in the cancer cell.
Her2 positive status is associated with tumors that are fast growing and aggressive. The Her2 gene produces a protein that acts as a receptor on the surface of the cell. This receptor is sensitive to a growth factor, a signal to the cell to grow. If the cancer cells have more receptors than normal, they are receiving more messages to grow and divide.
There are two ways to measure Her2 status. One is an immunohistochemistry (IHC) test, which measures the overexpression of the protein (number of receptors on the surface of the cancer cell) and is reported using the numbers 0 to +3. Scores of 0 and +1 are Her2 negative and +2 and +3 are Her2 positive. If the result is equivocal it may be sent for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), which measures the amplification of the HER-2 gene (the number of copies of the HER-2 gene present in a cancer cell). The results of this test are reported as positive or negative. Only 25% to 30% of women with breast cancer are Her2 positive.
Ki-67 is a direct indicator of the growth of the cancer. It is a cell proliferation associated nuclear antigen and is found in cells in nearly all stages of the cell cycle. It is often reported as a percentage of invasive carcinoma cells exhibiting positive nuclear staining: less than 10% – favorable prognosis, more than 20% – unfavorable diagnosis, 10-20% – borderline category.
The Ki-67 growth fraction is significantly related to the grade in most tumors, being highest in grade III invasive carcinomas. Estrogen and progesterone receptor negative tumors tend to have a high Ki-67 positive fraction, and this index could be used to add adjuvant chemotherapy in both receptor negative and positive patients.
A Stage is not always listed in pathology reports because it is derived from the results of the biopsy of the tumor tissue, any biopsies of the lymph nodes and other tests. These biopsies and some pathology tests may not be done at the same time. Thus, you may have more than one report that gives information on staging. Your medical team combines all the pathology information with any scans (to check for spread to other parts of the body) and determines the breast cancer stage.
A complete pathology report will not be ready until you have the definitive surgery to take out all the breast cancer and one or more of the underarm lymph nodes to check for possible signs of cancer there. Over several days to a couple of weeks, this tissue is tested to create that final report. You may even receive a few reports as various tests are done.
Histolopathologic Grade
This measure is often reported using some version of the Bloom-Richardson or the Scarff-Bloom-Richardson scale. It is based on a combined score for nuclear grade, mitotic rate, and histologic grade or architectural differentiation. Each characteristic is given a score of 1 to 3, resulting in a total score ranging from 3 to 9.
Nuclear Grade
Nuclear grade is assessed on a scale of 1-3. A grade 1 (low) indicates small nuclei with little variation in size and shape. A grade 3 (high) indicates larger nuclei with marked variation in size and shape. Grade 2 (intermediate) nuclei show features between 1 and 3. The higher the grade is, the more aggressive the tumor is.
Mitotic Rate
This rate indicates the number of malignant cells that are actively dividing. The mitotic rate is reported with numbers from 1 to 3. The higher the score, the more aggressive the tumor cells are.
Cellular Differentiation
This measure is based on how close the specimen resembles normal breast tissue. This measure refers to tubular formation of the cells. A grade of 1 indicates a well-differentiated tissue with many tubules, grade 2 moderately differentiated, and grade 3 poorly differentiated tissue with few or no tubules.
Hormone Receptor Status
If your cancer cells have a high proportion of estrogen (ER) or progesterone (PR) receptors, the report will say you are ER positive or PR positive. If your cells have a lower number of receptors, your report will say you are ER or PR negative. Another way to think of this is a car (tumor) and driver (hormones) example. The hormone “buckles” itself into the car seat (receptor) to drive the tumor to make it grow. This is one of the most important pieces of information on the pathology report. Being ER/PR positive means you might benefit from hormonal therapy. Hormone therapy is actually therapy with an oral drug, usually Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibiters, which blocks hormone receptors in the cancer cell.
Her2 positive status is associated with tumors that are fast growing and aggressive. The Her2 gene produces a protein that acts as a receptor on the surface of the cell. This receptor is sensitive to a growth factor, a signal to the cell to grow. If the cancer cells have more receptors than normal, they are receiving more messages to grow and divide.
There are two ways to measure Her2 status. One is an immunohistochemistry (IHC) test, which measures the overexpression of the protein (number of receptors on the surface of the cancer cell) and is reported using the numbers 0 to +3. Scores of 0 and +1 are Her2 negative and +2 and +3 are Her2 positive. If the result is equivocal it may be sent for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), which measures the amplification of the HER-2 gene (the number of copies of the HER-2 gene present in a cancer cell). The results of this test are reported as positive or negative. Only 25% to 30% of women with breast cancer are Her2 positive.
Ki-67 is a direct indicator of the growth of the cancer. It is a cell proliferation associated nuclear antigen and is found in cells in nearly all stages of the cell cycle. It is often reported as a percentage of invasive carcinoma cells exhibiting positive nuclear staining: less than 10% – favorable prognosis, more than 20% – unfavorable diagnosis, 10-20% – borderline category.
The Ki-67 growth fraction is significantly related to the grade in most tumors, being highest in grade III invasive carcinomas. Estrogen and progesterone receptor negative tumors tend to have a high Ki-67 positive fraction, and this index could be used to add adjuvant chemotherapy in both receptor negative and positive patients.
Breast Cancer Resources
- American Society of Breast Surgeons
- Am. Society of Plastics & Recon. Surgery
- American Cancer Society
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Centers Disease Control & Prev. (CDC)
- Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation
- East Georgia Cancer Coalition
- Know Your Breast Cancer
- Lynn Sage Cancer Research Center
- National Comp. Cancer Network (NCCN)
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- National Society of Genetic Counselors
- SHARE: Self-Help for Women with Breast and Ovarian Cancer
- Susan G. Komen
- Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation
- Young Survival Coalition